
Landrieu's Monkeyass

From my cousin Ned:

Senator Ass Grab Landrieu voted in favor of drilling in the Arctic Wildlife refuge. She was one of only two democrats to vote for the drilling. The measure passed 51-49. My letter to her is below. I suggest we all write bile and vitriol to her monkeyass.


[You can write her here:]

Senator Landrieu,

I find your vote in support of drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge to be a shameless travesty. I shall never again hear the name Mary Landrieu without feeling the intense desire to expectorate.

A Former Supporter,

Edward Wisner P-----y III
Later, when he discovered she'd voted for the bankruptcy bill, he sent this:
Senator Landrieu,

I recently wrote you to express my extreme distaste for your vote on the National Arctic Wildlife drilling debacle. I believe I said, "I shall never again hear the name of Landrieu without an intense desire to expectorate."

I think I shall have to change 'expectorate' to 'vomit' after I have seen how you are helping fill corporate coffers on the bankruptcy bill. I further added that I was a former suporter. I shall now have to change my position on this as well. I am now a whole-hearted opponent of yours. I shall be certain to fund your opponent in the next campaign with all the funds I have available (well, with what's left after I've paid off my credit cards).

Are you in bed with President Bush?

Disrespectfully yours,

Edward Wisner P-----y III
UPDATE: This DailyKos diary entry gives interested parties ways of fighting drilling in ANWR. Pick up the phone:
Worst-case scenario--the budget passes both houses with a provision to open the Arctic Wildlife Refuge for drilling. Then we take it to the corporations. BP and ConocoPhillips, while not model corporate citizens, have renounced their desire to drill in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge. We can support them by only buying gas from them and their subsidiaries, while boycotting ExxonMobil and ChevronTexaco, the satan-spawn corporations behind this administration and drilling in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge. We can hit them where it hurts. A majority of Americans oppose drilling the Arctic Wildlife Refuge, and we can get many of them to boycott the soulless Houston motherfuckers who are behind this bullshit.

Boycott update: Call these two corporations and tell them you refuse to buy their gas until they promise not to drill in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge.

ExxonMobil: (972) 444-1000

ChevronTexaco: (925) 842-1000

Call these two corporations and thank them for refusing to drill in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge. Inform them that they will benefit from your boycott of ExxonMobil and ChevronTexaco.

BP: (281) 366-5174 and (202) 457-6603

ConocoPhillips: (303) 649-4065

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