
Bad Sushi Face

If, like me, you missed Eric Alterman’s recounting of the cocktail-party conversation he had with Paul Wolfowitz, it’s worth reading. Remember: At Realitique™, we endeavor to bring you the news, several days after “informed people” read it. Fun quote:
When I asked Wolfowitz who he read outside of official channels that he found particularly profitable, he reeled off the names of a bunch of Iraqi blogs. I asked him if he read Juan Cole. He made a munched up face like his sushi had gone bad. He said that yes, he had read him, but did not do so much, because of all the—I forget his exact words, but I’m thinking “awful crap”—through which he had to slog in order to get the information that Cole presented. I said I thought it would be useful since even if one disagrees, Cole certainly knows what he’s talking about, and his view is closer to the rest of the world’s than are those published in the MSM. He made another bad sushi face.

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