
Tempesta non Grata

I know, Robert Novak's reported that the voices in his head anonymous court sources are whispering that Rehnquist's about to announce his retirement, potentially giving America a massive swirlie, but right now my mind's on something else entirely. Cindy was fun 'n all, but she was just a Tropical Storm (albeit an uncharacteristically damaging one). Dennis, however, might pull a gun on New Orleans and take its wallet. It might not. Recent computer models are reassuring for Louisianians, if not so much for Floridians. But hurricanes are notoriously ill-behaved. So the question remains, Will we have to pack up the pets and head for Baton Rouge?

BREAKING NON-NEWS! Grimmer and grimmer computer models. Cloudy, with a 80% chance of evacuation.

UPDATE: Looking much better now (10:30 PM Fri.). Muggy, with a 30% chance of evacuation.

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